Hometown: Westport, Ma. Just south of Boston
Lived in SF: a little over two years
Workhorse: my favorite bike I own and ride a lot is my Colnago road bike. It’s amazing! Oh and it’s carbon and titanium.
Past experience: one time I crashed into some French ladies tail light cuz she stopped short on Newbury st. in Boston and about a block away she blocked off traffic and as I was riding by sneak attacked me and tore me off my bike screaming for the police as I was bleeding like crazy from my hand and got like 50 stitches on my right hand. It was nuts.
Favorite part of the city to work in: Downtown rules especially with flower deliveries. Makes me nostalgic about the days I was a real bike messenger.
Favorite TCB Restaurant meal: to be honest I fuckin’ love cheesesteaks from jays now that I am a meet eater! Oh and mission picnic is amazing.
Favorite aspect of working at TCB: not being dispatched by some fat waste in an office, oh and all the homies of course, and the fact that we have our own cross team; that’s pretty badass.
What would you do if you weren’t working on the road: Probably still be in the union destroying buildings and driving around in bobcats and front loaders. Also asbestos removal.
Hobbies or interests: Skating. Also I’m trying to get back into surfing. And of course traveling. But my number one favorite hobby is getting buck as fuck with my best friend Larry
How did you end up working with TCB: To be honest I was drinkin’ at pops when I first moved here and I asked rob borders (chas’ old roommate at the messenger mansion) and he told me his roommate (chas) ran a company so I emailed them and had a job exactly 7 days after moving to the city.
Weirdest delivery made: Honestly I’ve delivered some organs from dfci to mgh before back in Boston!