

Hometown: Alexandria, Va

Lived in SF: 4 years

Workhorse: KHS Montana Pro

Past experience: Courier at Zipcar for two years

Favorite part of the city to work in: Haight/Pacific Heights

Favorite TCB Restaurant meal: 1/2 rack of ribs, cornbread muffin & slaw from Memphis Minnies

Favorite aspect of working at TCB: Autonomy and minimal hierarchy

What would you do if you weren’t working on the road: Take pictures of people on bikes for bookoo bucks only

Hobbies or interests: Analog activities like film photography, vinyl records & camping

How did you end up working with TCB: I had a reputation and they asked me if I wanted a job. Still don’t know what my reputation is

Weirdest delivery made: The frightening amount of people that order whippets

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